English Composition
English 103, Fall 1999
Sections A993, A994: 8am, 9am, Rm. 314, Tu. Th. F.

Dr. John McLaughlin

If you have not already taken English 090, or been passed out of it by departmental exam, please do not attempt to stay with this class. This is not a remedial class. This is a class which will explore the Internet and the World Wide Web, while preparing a research paper on a topic of your own choice, in consultation with your instructor. (Normally, this paper will involve a topic drawn from a course which you will take in your hypothetical future major at ESU). Class attendance is expected; a sign-in sheet is used for all classes, in Stroud 314 or the library. You may also be expected to use your email account to turn in work to your instructor and to engage in other class activities by email.

Class standards will be as follows:
A = outstanding work, with a flair.
B = Very competent work, without the "edge" of "A" work.
C = Acceptable work, without major errors in grammatical form, structure, or logic.
D = Unacceptable work; if you were working for me, this would be a warning notice.
F = Work that would get you fired on the job.
These standards are negotiable; your skill in negotiating is clearly part of your coursework.

Course Texts:
Coyle, Wm. Research Papers. 10th Edition. Allyn & Bacon, 1997. Crump & Carbone: Writing Online: A Student's Guide to the Internet & Worldwide Web. 2nd ed. Houghton Miflin, 1998.

I: Beginning Sept. 9 - The Internet & You. C&C, Part One & Glossary.
II: Sept. 14-17 - Subject Chosen. Coyle, 1, Undergrad Course Catalogue.
III: Sept. 21-24 - Topic Narrowed. Coyle 2. Library. C&C Part Four.
IV: Sept. 28-30 - Reference Works. Coyle 3, App. B. C&C, Part Two.
V: Oct 5-8 - Note-Taking & Plagiarism. Coyle 4. C&C, Part Three.
VI: Oct 12-15 - Tentative Thesis: Proposition of Action "We" Should Take. Coyle, 1. C&C, Part Four.
VII: Oct 19-22 - Preliminary Bibliography Cards Due.
VIII: Oct 26-29 - Midterm: Annotated Bibliography Due.
IX: Nov 2-5 - Outlining Process - Coyle 5.
X: Nov 9-12 - Full Sentence Outline Due. Coyle 5.
XI: Nov 16-19 - First Draft. Coyle 6.
XII: Nov 23, Dec. 2&3 - Second Draft. Coyle 6.
XIV: Dec 7-10, Dec. 14 - Documentation. Coyle 8-11. Harnack 5-8.
XV: Dec 16 & 17, Dec 21 - Finals Week: Final Paper Due.
Thank you for talking to me before you get in trouble. It really helps.