A Production of The Folk Life ( Inc. 1976)
John McLaughlin and Jamie Downs, Editors

older playlists
new lists available
on request

About Us

The Folk Life


"Roots and Wings" Play Lists
A Tribute to Al Grierson
Photos from The Folk Life Magazine
by Jamie Downs

All photos on this site by Jamie Downs unless otherwise stated
Fiddling in the Poconos

Photos of The Zapatista Caravan to
Mexico City. Taken in Oaxaca, Feb. 2001.

A 4 Way Conversation
with Lila and Jamie Downs
Paul Cohen and John McLaughlin


Interviews with:

Liam Clancy

promotional photo

The Digital Folk Life Chapter III
July 21, 2001, A Visit to Hydropowered Radio Catskill, WJFF-FM

WJFF, Radio Catskill
90.5 FM and 94.5 FM

The dam here in Jeffersonville provides the hydroelectric power for the radio station.

I wound up doing an on-air pitch ....
Bill Jumper in the background

John and Christine Ahearn and Katie in front of Lord Buckley

Got up the Delaware as far as Callicoon, NY today -- Jamie's father used to go up there fishing with her mother's father, which is how her father met her mother -- turned east, on the advice of a wee lassie waitressing in the pizza parlor, and wound up running into the town of Jeffersonville -- and WJFF, hydro-electric-powered radio for the Catskills, "Home of Lord Buckley." Say wot? Pulled in -- an old folkdj buddy, Angela Page, has a show on there, but she'd just left, half an hour before, so her buddy, Christine Ahearn, showed me around the station -- "Lord Buckley" is the gigantic old Worthington engine that transformed the Jeffersonville Dam into the signal for WJFF Radio (There's a quote from "The Hip Gan" about the work of the spinning wheel taped tothe engine)-- and I wound up doing an on-air pitch for their fund-raiser, in progress on Cindy Levindofske's story-telling show -- "Jist stoap pretendin' tae be Scottish, unzip yer spurrans and give, tae WJFF, Hydro-Powered Radio for the Upper Delaware!" -- and left them with a taped ID for the station -- "John McLaughlin, for WJFF Radio...." It ! was fun -- Jamie got great pictures, including one of Christine and me -- with her dog, Katie -- standing next to "Lord Buckley," in the engine-room. Told her about The Digital Folk Life, left her the URL before we got back in the purple Tracker.
Total mind-job of a stopover. Looks as if ah jist haftae go back on folkdj soon.... It's the beads, y'know?

Artisan at Split Rock

Some Highlights From
The Northeast
Regional Folk Alliance

Jody Gill, a regular on all the folkie stages, was the offical signer as Hillary Clinton accepted her new Senate seat. As Kim Harris said, "Hillary won, but there's Jody!"